Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ajax Note-1

AJAX Note-1
XML Http Request ----> Essence of AJAX

AJAX --> Asynchronous JavaScript and Xml

Asynchronous means your browser doesn't hang while making request to server.

Tools Required
Text Editor ---> Eclipse, Komodo
Browser --->Firefox
Web Server ---> Apache

You Should Know HTML, CSS and JavaScript to study AJAX.

Customizing Firefox for AJAX Development
3 Essential Add-ons used for AJAX Development are

1) DOM Inspector
2) Firebug
3) Web Developer ----> Important features is "View generated Source code" and "Outline block level elements".

Document Object Model (DOM)
* DOM is an important part of JavaScript and AJAX.
* Keep in mind that every thing in the browser window (Document) is an object.
* Object on a webpage (Document) is called DOM.
* Examples of objects in a webpage are table, title, h1 etc and page itself is an object called Document object.
* Objects have properties.
* Table, title, h1 etc are properties (nodes) of Document Object.
* Row is a property of table Object
* Cell or column is a property of row Object

A way of showing data in a text format taht parsable by scripting languages.
* Here we not only talk about objects (things) in the web page but also thing in any kind of document. XML is a kind of document.
* A browser can parse and understand XML.
* A Scripting language (JavaScript) can parse and understand XML.
* So we can parse and look an XML file in browser.
* So we can parse and look an XML file in JavaScript. <---- Use DOM inspector to check it.
* So we can parse and look an XML elements or tags in JavaScript as JavaScript object. <---- Use DOM inspector to check it.
* So we can access value from XML elements or tags in JavaScript as JavaScript object. <---- Use DOM inspector to check it.
We can do the same things with XML and JavaScript that are doing with webpage (html) and JavaScript.
For example, we can get element by id.
* XML using object model, so we can use XML tags and ids to retrieve information from XML files.
* Because of this browser and Ajax using XML as a way of getting data.
* We can use JavaScript to retrieve information from XML file using XML tags and ids.

It is the core functionality of AJAX.
* XMLHttpRequest is a JavaScript object. Every object has some properties.
* So XMLHttpRequest Object has some properties and methods.
* XMLHttpRequest Object properties have several different statuses (default predefined values).


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