Monday, July 13, 2015

openstack contrail can't ping to private ip, controller failed to collect VM data from ifmap

#sudo service contrail-schema status

#sudo tcpdump -i eth1 -s 0 -w dump1.pcap
#sudo tcpdump -i lo -s 0 -w dump1.pcap <=== To capture from contrail bigdebian package setup and open in wireshark.







To find a string within a packet, click on Edit > Find Packet. Under "Find By:" select "string" and enter your search string in the text entry box.There is a lot more information in most packets than what appears in the packet list Info column, so try "Packet details" and "Packet bytes".


schema-transformer poll from ifmap:

svc_monitor poll from ifmap:

controller poll from ifmap:
contrail-controller/src/ifmap/client/ <=== Contains ifmap client code
contrail-controller/src/ifmap/client/ <=== contains code which set namespaces

contrail control ifmap poll, subscribe code:
* Search for contrail:config-root:root

* void IFMapChannel::SendSubscribe()
* void IFMapChannel::SubscribeResponseWait()
* int IFMapChannel::ReadSubscribeResponseStr()

* void IFMapChannel::SendPollRequest()
* void IFMapChannel::PollResponseWait()
* int IFMapChannel::ReadPollResponse()

Also check 

* struct SendSubscribe : sc::state<SendSubscribe, IFMapStateMachine> {
* struct SubscribeResponseWait :

* struct ArcConnect : sc::state<ArcConnect, IFMapStateMachine>
* struct ArcSslHandshake : sc::state<ArcSslHandshake, IFMapStateMachine> {

* struct SendPoll : sc::state<SendPoll, IFMapStateMachine> {
* struct PollResponseWait :

* IFMapStateMachine::IFMapStateMachine(IFMapManager *manager)


* bool IFMapServerParser::ParseResultItem(
* void IFMapServerParser::ParseResults(
* bool IFMapServerParser::ParseMetadata(const pugi::xml_node &node,
* static DBRequest *IFMapServerRequestClone(const DBRequest *src) {


* void IFMapGraphWalker::AddNodesToWhitelist() {
* void IFMapGraphWalker::AddLinksToWhitelist() {


Official repo of ifmap-python-client:

contrail patch:



sudo apt-get install xmllint
xmllint --format dump1.xml > new_dump1.xml
xmllint --format dump2.xml > new_dump2.xml

vimdiff new_dump1.xml new_dump2.xml

diff -y 1.xml 2.xm
diff -y --suppress-common-lines 1.xml 2.xml


Newly added lines in ifmap on schema start after vm creation.

1513         <resultItem>
1514           <identity name="contrail:virtual-machine-interface:default-domain:testtenant:6d7ceaea-04a0-4067-8e25-91c2da6c804d" type="other" other-type-definition="extended"/>
1515           <identity name="contrail:routing-instance:default-domain:testtenant:mynw1:mynw1" type="other" other-type-definition="extended"/>
1516           <metadata>
1517             <contrail:virtual-machine-interface-routing-instance xmlns:contrail="" ifmap-cardinality="singleValue" ifmap-publisher-id="api-server-1--0000000001-1" ifmap-timestamp="2015-07-08T12:09:12+00:00">
1518               <direction>both</direction>
1519             </contrail:virtual-machine-interface-routing-instance>
1520           </metadata>
1521         </resultItem>

class SchemaTransformer(object):
    def add_virtual_machine_interface_virtual_network(self, idents, meta):

class VirtualMachineInterfaceST(DictST):
    def set_virtual_network(self, vn_name):
        if_obj = _vnc_lib.virtual_machine_interface_read(id=self.uuid) <===1
        ri = virtual_network.get_primary_routing_instance().obj
        refs = if_obj.get_routing_instance_refs()
        if ri.get_fq_name() not in [r['to'] for r in (refs or [])]:
            if_obj.add_routing_instance( <===2
                ri, PolicyBasedForwardingRuleType(direction="both")) <===3 meta <direction>both</direction>

The publish operation associates metadata with identifiers or links between identifiers. The
search and subscribe operations use an identifier as the starting point for a query (see 3.7).


####################### methods which get invoke after vm creation.
idents['virtual-machine-interface'], identity

    def add_virtual_machine_interface_virtual_network(self, idents, meta):
        vmi_name = idents['virtual-machine-interface']
        vn_name = idents['virtual-network']
        vmi = VirtualMachineInterfaceST.locate(vmi_name)
        if vmi is not None:
            self.current_network_set |= vmi.rebake()

    def add_instance_ip_virtual_machine_interface(self, idents, meta):
        vmi_name = idents['virtual-machine-interface']
        ip_name = idents['instance-ip']
        vmi = VirtualMachineInterfaceST.locate(vmi_name)
        if vmi is not None:
            self.current_network_set |= vmi.rebake()

    def add_virtual_machine_interface_properties(self, idents, meta):
        vmi_name = idents['virtual-machine-interface']
        prop = VirtualMachineInterfacePropertiesType()
        vmi = VirtualMachineInterfaceST.locate(vmi_name)
        if vmi is not None:
            self.current_network_set |= vmi.rebake()

    def add_virtual_machine_interface_virtual_machine(self, idents, meta):
        vmi_name = idents['virtual-machine-interface']
        vm_name = idents['virtual-machine']
        vmi = VirtualMachineInterfaceST.locate(vmi_name)
        if vmi is not None:


$zgrep eef20dbe-4a78-4a90-af05-162aaf87cba4 *.gz > somefile



IFMapGraphWalker::IFMapGraphWalker(DBGraph *graph, IFMapExporter *exporter)
    : graph_(graph),
      work_queue_(TaskScheduler::GetInstance()->GetTaskId("db::DBTable"), 0,
                  boost::bind(&IFMapGraphWalker::Worker, this, _1)) {
        boost::bind(&IFMapGraphWalker::WorkBatchEnd, this, _1));<====1
    traversal_white_list_.reset(new IFMapTypenameWhiteList());
    AddNodesToWhitelist(); <====3
    AddLinksToWhitelist(); <====4

// Cleanup all graph nodes that a bit set in the remove mask (rm_mask_) but
// where not visited by the walker.
void IFMapGraphWalker::WorkBatchEnd(bool done) { <====2
    for (DBGraph::vertex_iterator iter = graph_->vertex_list_begin();
         iter != graph_->vertex_list_end(); ++iter) {
        DBGraphVertex *vertex = iter.operator->();

void IFMapGraphWalker::CleanupInterest(DBGraphVertex *vertex) {
    // interest = interest - rm_mask_ + nmask
    IFMapNode *node = static_cast<IFMapNode *>(vertex);
    IFMapNodeState *state = exporter_->NodeStateLookup(node);
    if (state == NULL) {

    if (!state->interest().empty() && !state->nmask().empty()) {
        IFMAP_DEBUG(CleanupInterest, node->ToString(),
                    state->interest().ToString(), rm_mask_.ToString(),

    .... ....
    .... ....




> 2014-12-05 00:56:01,783 [main] INFO   - Starting irond version 0.3.2...
> 2014-12-05 00:56:05,582 [main] INFO   - EventProcessor: Running with 4 workers and 2 forwarders
> 2014-12-05 00:56:05,587 [main] INFO   - ActionProcessor: Running with 1 workers and 1 forwarders
> 2014-12-05 00:56:05,587 [main] INFO   - ChannelAcceptor: Listening on port 8443 for incoming basic authentication connections
> 2014-12-05 00:56:05,590 [main] INFO   - ChannelAcceptor: Listening on port 8444 for incoming certificate-based authentication connections
> 2014-12-05 00:56:05,595 [main] INFO   - irond is running :-)
> 2014-12-05 00:56:06,060 [pool-1-thread-1] FATAL  - Could not store generated publisher-id for api-server
> 2014-12-05 00:56:18,139 [pool-1-thread-1] FATAL  - Could not store generated publisher-id for control
> 2014-12-05 00:56:24,442 [pool-1-thread-3] FATAL  - Could not store generated publisher-id for schema-transformer

########### IMP-1 ##################

All routing instances of networks in all projects get cleaned up on : 2015-07-01 Wed

#zgrep 'CleanupInterest: routing-instance:default-domain' contrail-control.log-20150702.gz
#zgrep 'CleanupInterest: routing-instance:default-domain' contrail-control.log-20150702.gz  | grep jiocloud_pro

Before above error (a), I can see some "IFMapXmppVmSubUnsub" errro in contrail-control.log-20150702.gz on same date 2015-07-01 Wed.

#zgrep 'IFMapXmppVmSubUnsub: VmUnsubscribe ct1-production' contrail-control.log-20150702.gz


#zgrep 'Error received instead of PollResult' *.gz


Down ifmap server

Create a VM
* Note Id of the VM

* vm id should be there.
* In production setup, we have seen id of bugy vm in this list.

* Run "#nova show <vm-id>" and find the private ip of vm.
* Run "#neutron port-list" and find the port-id and construct interface name like "tap<fisr_11_char_of_port_id>" eg:tapce6e07bc-66.

Search for vm's id in /var/log/contrail/contrail-control.log

* You should see an entry like 
2015-07-11 Sat 10:44:44:000.010 UTC  ct1-testjenkins-puppet-rjil-gate-1659 [Thread 140043615483648, Pid 20567]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1436611483999988 IFMapXMPP [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapXmppVmSubUnsub: VmSubscribe ct1-testjenkins-puppet-rjil-gate-1659: 08f221ab-72f3-46c4-b823-f7f3a2097b5d controller/src/ifmap/ 216

Go to compute node of the VM and check tap interface "tapce6e07bc-66"

* You can see that vrf_name of interface "tapce6e07bc-66" is --ERROR--
<vrf_name type="string" identifier="4" link="VrfListReq">--ERROR--</vrf_name>

Search result of bugy vm_id form production contrail-control.log-20150702.gz

* VM created on 2015-07-01 Wed 08:56
* First VmSubscribe request from agent on 2015-07-01 Wed 08:56:

2015-07-01 Wed 08:56:17:122.262 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105121527552, Pid 48037]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435740977122235 IFMapXMPP [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapXmppVmSubUnsub: VmSubscribe ct1-production: 0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226 controller/src/ifmap/ 216

* (after one day) Second VmSubscribe request from agent on 2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:
* I think, something got restared or fixed on 2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:590.027 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899038537472, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306590019 IFMapXMPP [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapXmppVmSubUnsub: VmSubscribe ct1-production: 0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226 controller/src/ifmap/ 216

* Got data from ifmap on 2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:28:057.616 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899379013376, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805308024459 IFMapPeer [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapServerConnection: 0 bytes in reply_. 8843481 bytes in reply_str. PollResponse message is:
 HTTP/1.1 200 ^M
Content-Type: application/soap+xml^M
Content-Length: 8843403^M
</resultItem><resultItem><identity name="contrail:virtual-machine:0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226" type="other" other-type-definition="extend

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:28:485.031 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899383211776, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805308485025 IFMap [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapNodeOperation: Creating virtual-machine:0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226 controller/src/ifmap/ 89

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:28:565.594 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899383211776, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805308565585 IFMap [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapLinkOperation: Creating link <virtual-machine-interface:default-domain:openstack:eef20dbe-4a78-4a90-af05-162aaf87cba4,virtual-machine:0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226> controller/src/ifmap/ 67

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:29:253.401 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139898275215104, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805309253389 IFMap [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapLinkOperation: Creating link <virtual-router:default-global-system-config:cp4-production,virtual-machine:0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226> controller/src/ifmap/ 67

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:30:512.098 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139898292008704, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805310512089 IFMap [SYS_DEBUG]: LinkOper: LinkAdd virtual-router:default-global-system-config:cp4-production - virtual-machine:0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226 , lhs: 000000000000000001 , rhs:  controller/src/ifmap/ 106
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:30:514.012 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139898292008704, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805310514003 IFMap [SYS_DEBUG]: JoinVertex: JoinVertex: virtual-machine:0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226 controller/src/ifmap/ 81

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:30:583.899 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139898275215104, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805310583891 IFMap [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapClientSendInfo: Sent Update of virtual-machine:0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226 to vRouter ct1-production: controller/src/ifmap/ 315

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:30:583.938 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139898275215104, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805310583928 IFMap [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapClientSendInfo: Sent Update of link <virtual-router:default-global-system-config:cp4-production,virtual-machine:0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226> to vRouter ct1-production: controller/src/ifmap/ 315

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:31:702.033 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899097315072, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805311702025 IFMap [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapClientSendInfo: Sent Update of link <virtual-machine-interface:default-domain:openstack:eef20dbe-4a78-4a90-af05-162aaf87cba4,virtual-machine:0d4722d7-c1d9-421c-94eb-eaf278597226> to vRouter ct1-production: controller/src/ifmap/ 315

* Search for "2015-07-02 Thu 02:48" in production contrail-control.log-20150702.gz
* You will get following clues


* This error you can see from date "2015-07-01 Wed 06:47" to "2015-07-02 Thu 02:48",  until issue got resolved.
* -(-1) OnSessionEvent TCP Connect Failed
* -(-1):EvTcpConnectFail
* From Thread 140105745336256, Pid 48037

2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:26:114.552 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105075345152, Pid 48037]: Connect : EvTcpConnectFail
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:26:114.637 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105075345152, Pid 48037]: Idle
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:26:114.701 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105075345152, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvSandeshSend in state Idle
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:26:114.717 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105075345152, Pid 48037]: Wrong state: Idle for event: EvSandeshSend
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:26:114.731 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105075345152, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvSandeshSend in state Idle
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:26:114.743 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105075345152, Pid 48037]: Wrong state: Idle for event: EvSandeshSend
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:26:114.755 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105075345152, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvTcpDeleteSession in state Idle
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:26:114.773 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105075345152, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvSandeshSend in state Idle
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:26:114.785 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105075345152, Pid 48037]: Wrong state: Idle for event: EvSandeshSend
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:36:419.952 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105121527552, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvSandeshSend in state Idle
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:36:420.056 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105121527552, Pid 48037]: Wrong state: Idle for event: EvSandeshSend
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:44:318.227 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105573189376, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvSandeshSend in state Idle
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:44:318.320 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105573189376, Pid 48037]: Wrong state: Idle for event: EvSandeshSend
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:44:318.369 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105573189376, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvSandeshSend in state Idle
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:44:318.410 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105573189376, Pid 48037]: Wrong state: Idle for event: EvSandeshSend
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:56:114.903 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105066948352, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvIdleHoldTimerExpired in state Idle
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:56:115.232 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105066948352, Pid 48037]: Connect : Start Connect timer
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:56:115.266 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105745336256, Pid 48037]: -(-1) OnSessionEvent TCP Connect Failed
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:56:115.352 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105745336256, Pid 48037]: -(-1):EvTcpConnectFail
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:56:115.417 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105066948352, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvSandeshSend in state Connect
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:56:115.457 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105066948352, Pid 48037]: Wrong state: Connect for event: EvSandeshSend
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:56:115.488 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105066948352, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvTcpConnectFail in state Connect
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:56:115.516 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105066948352, Pid 48037]: Connect : EvTcpConnectFail
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:56:115.790 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105066948352, Pid 48037]: Idle
2015-07-02 Thu 02:46:56:115.932 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105066948352, Pid 48037]: Processing scm::EvSandeshSend in state Idle

* Thread 140105745336256, Pid 48037 <=== IMP

2015-07-01 Wed 13:35:54:287.037 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105745336256, Pid 48037]: -(-1) OnSessionEvent TCP Connect Failed
2015-07-01 Wed 13:35:54:287.124 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105745336256, Pid 48037]: -(-1):EvTcpConnectFail

2015-07-01 Wed 13:35:59:390.062 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105745336256, Pid 48037]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435757759390034 XMPP [SYS_DEBUG]: XmppCreateConnection: Xmpp creating dynamic channel controller/src/xmpp/ 273
2015-07-01 Wed 13:35:59:390.211 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105745336256, Pid 48037]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435757759390195 XMPP [SYS_INFO]: XmppConnectionCreate: Created Xmpp  Server  connection from  ct1-production  To :   controller/src/xmpp/ 449

* This error resolved with "http socket open failed" error in following thread and some service restart.

2015-07-02 Thu 02:47:47:784.263 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105568990976, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:47:52:784.758 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105117329152, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24

2015-07-02 Thu 02:47:56:946.014 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105108932352, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:47:58:784.978 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105092138752, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:01:946.133 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105062749952, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:06:169.145 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105100535552, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:06:784.386 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105100535552, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:07:945.701 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105573189376, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:11:169.662 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105108932352, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:15:945.382 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105573189376, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:17:170.720 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105568990976, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:18:784.435 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105071146752, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:25:171.870 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105071146752, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24

2015-07-02 Thu 02:47:47:704.928 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105745336256, Pid 48037]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805267704889 XMPP [SYS_DEBUG]: XmppCreateConnection: Xmpp creating dynamic channel controller/src/xmpp/ 273
2015-07-02 Thu 02:47:47:705.155 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105745336256, Pid 48037]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805267705131 XMPP [SYS_INFO]: XmppConnectionCreate: Created Xmpp  Server  connection from  ct1-production  To :   controller/src/xmpp/ 449
2015-07-02 Thu 02:47:47:784.263 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105568990976, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:47:52:784.758 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105117329152, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:15:945.382 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105573189376, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:17:170.720 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105568990976, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:18:784.435 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105071146752, Pid 48037]: http socket open failed: system:24

* Starting Bgp Server at port 179

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:173.363 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: Starting Bgp Server at port 179
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:175.422 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: DiscoveryClientMsg: publish/ct1-production xmpp-server <xmpp-server><ip-address></ip-address><port>5269</port></xmpp-server> controller/src/discovery/client/ 362
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:177.925 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: SANDESH: ROLE             : Generator
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:177.949 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: SANDESH: MODULE           : ControlNode
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:177.959 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: SANDESH: SOURCE           : ct1-production
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:177.969 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: SANDESH: NODE TYPE        : Control
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:177.978 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: SANDESH: INSTANCE ID      : 0
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:177.988 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: SANDESH: HTTP SERVER PORT : 8083
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:182.747 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: HTTP Introspect Init
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:183.051 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: No client: 1435805306183029 TCP [SYS_DEBUG]: TcpServerMessageLog: Server  Initialization complete controller/src/io/ 100
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:183.124 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: Sandesh Http Server Port 8083

* Note event change form Idle ===> ServerResolve  ===> SsrcConnect ===> SsrcSslHandshake ===> SendNewSession ===> NewSessionResponseWait

SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapSmEventMessage: Processing ifsm::EvStart in state Idle controller/src/ifmap/client/ 944
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:195.302 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899088918272, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306195291 IFMapStateMachine [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapSmTransitionMessage: Idle ===> ServerResolve controller/src/ifmap/client/ 954
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:195.350 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899088918272, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306195340 IFMapStateMachine [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapSmStartTimerMessage: 5 second response timer started. controller/src/ifmap/client/ 734

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:198.877 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899395806976, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306198861 IFMapStateMachine [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapSmTransitionMessage: ServerResolve ===> SsrcConnect controller/src/ifmap/client/ 954
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:198.921 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899395806976, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306198907 IFMapStateMachine [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapSmStartTimerMessage: 5 second response timer started. controller/src/ifmap/client/ 734

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:200.457 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139898279413504, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306200445 IFMapStateMachine [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapSmTransitionMessage: SsrcConnect ===> SsrcSslHandshake controller/src/ifmap/client/ 954

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:212.918 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139898283611904, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306212906 IFMapStateMachine [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapSmTransitionMessage: SsrcSslHandshake ===> SendNewSession controller/src/ifmap/client/ 954

015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:213.195 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899038537472, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306213181 IFMapStateMachine [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapSmTransitionMessage: SendNewSession ===> NewSessionResponseWait controller/src/ifmap/client/ 954

* See (h1) "2015-07-02 Thu 02:47:47:704.928 UTC" there we can see same log but "http socket open failed: system:24" error after that.

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:198.933 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306198916 XMPP [SYS_DEBUG]: XmppCreateConnection: Xmpp creating dynamic channel controller/src/xmpp/ 273
2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:199.037 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899567953856, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306199021 XMPP [SYS_INFO]: XmppConnectionCreate: Created Xmpp  Server  connection from  ct1-production  To :   controller/src/xmpp/ 449

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:311.040 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899404203776, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306311021 IFMap [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapServerClientRegUnreg: Register request for client  default-global-system-config:cp21-production controller/src/ifmap/ 215

* VrSubscribe and VmSubscribe

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:311.180 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899404203776, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306311168 IFMapXMPP [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapXmppVrSubUnsub: VrSubscribe ct1-production: controller/src/ifmap/ 199

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:311.246 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899404203776, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306311233 IFMapXMPP [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapXmppVmSubUnsub: VmSubscribe ct1-production: 2ede789b-f57b-4756-bcd2-849441f53937 controller/src/ifmap/ 216

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:324.149 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899063727872, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306324132 IFMapXMPP [SYS_DEBUG]: IFMapXmppVmSubUnsub: VmSubscribe ct1-production: d34097f0-c070-495a-97c7-eccddea1cdad controller/src/ifmap/ 216

... ....

* resource not found when processing subscribe

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:324.552 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899067926272, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306324540 BGP [SYS_WARN]: XmppPeerMembershipLog: XMPP Peer ct1-production:  Routing Instance default-domain:217882181541:default-net:default-net not found when processing subscribe controller/src/bgp/ 1679

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:324.659 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899067926272, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306324646 BGP [SYS_WARN]: XmppPeerMembershipLog: XMPP Peer ct1-production:  Routing Instance default-domain:248775291331:default-net:default-net not found when processing subscribe controller/src/bgp/ 1679

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:324.834 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899067926272, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306324821 BGP [SYS_WARN]: XmppPeerMembershipLog: XMPP Peer ct1-production:  Routing Instance default-domain:jenkins:at_private:at_private not found when processing subscribe controller/src/bgp/ 1679

2015-07-02 Thu 02:48:26:324.952 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 139899067926272, Pid 61256]: Sandesh: Send: FAILED: 1435805306324941 BGP [SYS_WARN]: XmppPeerMembershipLog: XMPP Peer ct1-production:  Routing Instance default-domain:jiocloud_compute_pm:network1:network1 not found when processing subscribe controller/src/bgp/ 1679

... ...

Search for "Too many open files" in contrail-control.log-20150702.gz to find the reason of error "http socket open failed: system:24"

2015-07-02 Thu 02:47:56:117.055 UTC  ct1-production [Thread 140105121527552, Pid 48037]: CreateSMSession Open FAILED: Too many open files


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