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Sunday, November 23, 2014

OpenStack Development Using DevStack

List all screen sessions of current user
#screen -ls

Howto Attach to a not detached screen session.
#screen -x

Reattach to a screen session
#screen -r session_id_or_name

To see all commands or parameters on screen.
Ctrl + a, Then Press ?

Detach/Exit from a screen session
Ctrl + a, Then Press d

Kill a screen session
Ctrl + a, Then Press Shift + k

How to move to next screen window/tab in a screen session
Ctrl + a, Then Press n

How to move to previous screen window/tab in a screen session
Ctrl + a, Then Press p

How to list name of all screen windows/tabs and select from there
Ctrl + a, Then Press Shift + '

How to Toggle  to  the  window/tab  displayed  previously
Ctrl + a, Then Ctrl + a again

How to copy logs from screen
* To start the copy mode, use Ctrl + A, Then Press [
* To start copying, press Enter
* Select the text using arrow keys
* Again press Enter to stop selction and copy to clipboard
* To exit the copy mode, use Ctrl + A, Then Press ] or Ctrl + C

How to restart a service
After doing any changes in the code, if you wish to restart a service,
* Goto the window/tab of the service, then use Ctrl + C to stop that service.
* To start the service, use the UP arrow key to move to the command which used to start the service and press Enter.

* This way, we can't restart horizon service, you need to restart apache web server
#service apache2 restart

Debugging with pdb and pudb

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