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Sunday, May 24, 2020

How to Install and Setup Django on Ubuntu 20.04 18.04

sudo apt-get python3-pip

python3 -V
pip3 -V

pip3 install django
ls /home/anna/.local/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/home/anna/.local/bin
django-admin --version

django-admin startproject myapp
cd myapp
python3 migrate

python3 createsuperuser

vi myapp/
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['ip-address-of-server']

python3 runserver

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Great Article! Your insights are spot on How to Install and Setup Django on Ubuntu 20.04 18.04. I especially appreciate your points. You've done your research. Keep up the excellent work! Looking forward to reading more from you.
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